R&R Developpements


This is a crazy enough idea : make a fully autonomous UAV flying. It will be equipped with 4 brushless motors controled by a  custom-made electronics.

The UAV will be able to :
  • takeoff and landing
  • be self-stabilized in flight
  • go from point A to B
  • control an onboard device (camera...)

Brushless Motor and Driver

The processing began with the purchase of a brushless motor, a propeller and a brushless driver to make some tests on this kind of motor and equipment. With these components, we did the first "flying" experiment, see the video below.

Download video file : "OGG"

On this video, the driving signals are generated by a electronic board used before on a robot (Startup). The brushless driver is drived by a servo motor signal-type. Everything is fixed on a Meccano structure (so heavy : 400gr). The motor was supplied by two laboratory power supplies in parallel (this motor needs more than 10A continuous to takeoff).

There were no control or regulation, the only objective was to see if it can takeoff; and it takes off! First successful test so. Our work continues on a "home made" driver based on a dsPIC30F4011 and 6 power MOSFETs. This will allow us to have a higly precise control and feedback on the motor (duty-cycle, torque, speed).


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